
lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Oh my God I'm Ginger (recopilapost)

Sinceramente, a veces el mejor post es un "recopilapost", y este de MyModernNet, es sin duda un recopilatorio fantástico de toda la semana.
En él encontramos Collages Surrealistas de Philipp Igumnov, Montañas mágicas "Magic Mountain Lodge is a Hill-Like Hobbit Highrise", Remakes clásicos y modernos, y por supuesto el tributo merecidísimo a Steve Jobs.

En fin, mejor leerlo y verlo:

Around the Web:

The bubble fish is going to fall!
This balloon lamp strikes my fancy.
Anything surreal will always have a place in my heart.
Who wouldn't want to stay at this hobbit highrise?
Will you be upgrading to the iPhone 4S?
Fun idea: Remake Henri Cartier-Bresson's famous reflection shots.
So cute. I want to dress up my future babies like this.
I think I need the robot tea infuser.
The Envelope Bag made me do a double take.
Now that's a crazy looking bike!
These hot air balloon-inspired bowls are funky fresh.

The Best of My Modern Met:

Do you like to be scared?
Thanks, Steve. A perfect tribute.
Have you ever gone to Burning Man?
Now those are some strange sculptures.
I want this wire sculpture to drink coffee with me.
Have an amazing weekend!

Photo via Pinterest.
Posted by alice on October 7, 2011 at 6:30pm (http://www.mymodernmet.com/)

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