
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel

Photographer Seth Casteel captured these wonderful photographs of dogs underwater, doing what dogs do best: playing, fetching, and swimming. But the underwater currents mixed with Casteel’s high speed camera have transformed these lovable pups into truly savage aquatic beasts. Still pretty cute though.

Please, visit his Web and the section: SAVING PETS.
Since now I love Seth Casteel because:
"SECOND CHANCE PHOTOSSeth's volunteer efforts have led to the launch of SecondChancePhotos.org, a resource dedicated to saving pets through photography. Please visit the website to learn more and how you can help."

Impermanent Sand Paintings by Andres Amador

San Francisco-area landscape artist Andreas Amador etches massive sand drawings onto beaches during full moons when his canvas reaches its largest potential. Using only a rake and often several helpers the geometric and organic shapes are slowly carved into the sand, often interacting with the physical topography like the stones in a zen garden. The works exist for only a few moments, just long enough to snap a few photographs before being completely engulfed by the encroaching tide. Amador has also collaborated on a number of killer marriage proposals, the question popped as part of his elaborate drawings viewable from an elevated distance. You can see much more on his website, and he also sells prints. If you liked this, also see the works of Sonja Hinrichsen and Jim Denevan. (architizer, raymond tham, and the artist’s blog)
by: http://www.thisiscolossal.com

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Wrecking Crew Orchestra

Let's Dance!
Wrecking Crew Orchestra are a dance crew out of Japan consisting of eight men who in these videos are seen dancing with perfectly synchronized electroluminescent light suits designed by iLuminate. Keep in mind, what you’re watching is live and unedited. The second video above is a recent commercial for Experia and here’s a little bit of behind-the-scenes footage from that shoot. So much fun. (via mefi)
BY: Colossal

MAGDA SAYEG: yarn bombing

La artista Magda Sayed es considerada la madre de la tendéncia artística "yarn bombing", o el arte hecho con Hilo - knitted/crocheted - dentro del Street Art.
Es curioso, llamativo, decorativo y muy interesante!
Por cierto, si entráis en su web veréis que la home es súper sicodélica..que mareo!

“Back to the Start"

Valeee...al final es un anuncio publicitario (Chipote Mexican grill), pero realmente ¿no tiene razón? no ha de resurgir el espíritu del.."Back to the start"?...Piénsenlo.
Bonito vídeo Chipote!, buen mensaje.

Your Life is your message

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
- Howard Thurman

By: Work is not a job

The Mill Showreel 2012

The Mill Showreel 2012 from The Mill Visual Effects Studio on Vimeo.

No hay discusión: La publicidad no es arte, pero es un arte hacer que las imágenes, la música o los efectos se conviertan en algo afectivo.
La agencia The Mill lo logra constantemente. En su último Showreel vemos la recopilación de anuncios creados durante todo un año...y no está nadaaa mal!